
Every day we see people seeking advice and ideas on their renovation projects. A simple project can sometimes become a big one if you don’t have the right guidance. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a place for inspiration and ideas from people that work on renovation projects in Portugal every day?
That’s why this project was born! With that very question!

Now, you think – why just Portugal, right?
Well, we live in Portugal and there are some things that are very common here that you don’t experience in other countries. That is why we wanted a place for just renovations in Portugal. Of course, tips and ideas can be used in any corner of the world. But the products we will refer to are from Portuguese stores.

Since we have a big network we are also offering help in coming in contact with English-speaking handymen in Portugal! Check out the handyman corner!

We hope you will like this site and if there is anything you miss or if you have any suggestions; you are welcome to contact us at


Happy renovation!
